Wednesday, February 3, 2010

breakfast with my love

My fiancee, David and I have been so busy lately... him with school and me with work & the wedding! So...we thought it would be fun to escape reality (for and hour or two), spend some quality time together & have breakfast. He took me to Le Cafe De Paris. We drank lattes and ate some delicious food, then we went and toured some local hotels. It was so wonderful spending a morning with my love!:) Enjoy these pics.




Montessori Moments said...

mmm, looks lovely!
Stopping by from SITS!
You are welcome to visit me too! I'd love to have you!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I cherish those little dates with hubs. And, I love the pic of you two with the bubble gum - so cute!

Stopping by from SITS :)